Hunting Memories end of the day reductions
We started the Hunting memories website back in 2010 as we were experiencing a change in the countryside with an influx of previous suburban dwellers moving into areas of the countryside with no previous knowledge, experience or even interest in country sports.
We found that many common place hunting themed items were disappearing fast and we wished to recover as many as we could to offer them to hunting people before they vanished for good.
We have run the Hunting memories website since that time and made many friends all over the world in our transactions and have enjoyed every minute of it.
We feel the time has come to retire from the scene as we are both getting on in years and the supply of the hunting memorabilia which was available in 2010 is fast disappearing as the urbanisation of the countryside grows and political interference to our country sport increases.
This is our final year of operation, closing the website in December of this year.
We wish to inform you that all items on the site shown as available for sale are offered to you for half their listed price plus P&P (excluding Glass Hunts).
If you are interested in purchasing any item currently available on the Hunting Memories website please email us on or quoting the product reference number. We will confirm the discounted price and email you a PayPal invoice accordingly.
Should you have any questions or queries please email us on or phone/text us on 07909362008.
Thank you for your support, and goodnight.
Yours sincerely
Estella and Mike
Hunting Memories
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